The University may be on lockdown but the PHTRC continues to serve its clients and general public online. The PHTRC has boosted its online presence through its Facebook page – UPLB CAFS Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research Center ( Information materials on the proper handling of vegetables and fruits have been posted, these crops being known to especially improve the human immune system which is very important in fighting the dreaded COVID-19. The initiative is not only the Center’s contribution to CAFS’ and UPLB’s COVID-19 response efforts, but also in support of the Department of Agriculture’s “Plant, Plant, Plant” campaign as well as the national government’s call for securing safe food amidst the current pandemic.

Information on the shelf life of vegetables/legumes at room temperature and “Mga simpleng paraan upang mapahaba ang buhay ng gulay,” were posted at both the PHTRC and ICropS Facebook pages last April 14 in response to an inquiry in the latter’s FB page. As of April 26, this upload has reached 10,292 people and has been shared 133 times. “Mga simpleng paraan ng pagpapahinog ng prutas” was also posted at the PHTRC FB page last April 21 to  guide the general public on how to safely ripen fruits without using chemicals. This has reached 18,343 people and has been shared 196 times. 

Consistent with the university’s mandate as a public service university and its continuous efforts to serve even during the enhanced community quarantine, the PHTRC library also virtually assists not only UPLB constituents, but has also extended its online services to the general public by providing postharvest- and horticulture-related sources of information upon request. These include the Article Request Service, Data Generation Service, and Selective Dissemination of Information Service or SDI.

The Article Request Service provides assistance in the retrieval of full text of  specific articles on a given topic. These are downloaded from the subscribed databases of the UPLB Library or available Open Access databases online. The Data Generation Service, on the other hand, helps clients on the retrieval of specific data such as statistical data on the production, hectarage, prices, import/export data, of specific commodities and the like. Data is downloaded from official websites of various institutions providing statistical data on the requested subject or from reliable new sites. Meanwhile, the SDI, which has been a regular offering of the PHTRC Library since 2006 is a monthly compilation of abstracts of journal articles on postharvest handling based on the most recent inputs to the subscribed databases of the library. These are sent to requesting clients through electronic mail and  uploaded quarterly at the PHTRC library website at

UPLB constituents may still avail of the  online resources subscriptions of the University using Open AThens ( as means of remote access. Should they find it difficult to download and save articles due to internet access problems, however, clients may avail of the Online Library services for their postharvest-related information needs by filling out the online form available at Library. These are also open to non-UPLB clients subject to the University Library policy on access/use of resources. (MV Maunahan, NG Ramos,  with information from JR Zuniega)